A knowledge resource for professionals

  • 1,755Videos
  • 502Contributors
  • 1,223Experts

Development, recording and
oversight made simple

Team CPD Features

Managers can monitor their team’s learning activity with an intuitive dashboard to manage team members, view an individual or team progress against preset targets, create custom playlists and set goals based on specific requirement.

  • Targets

    You can set personal and team targets to watch certain content or amass a minimum study time. Completion targets are graphed and displayed as a percentage of target.

  • Management

    Your team is built by you. Team members can be added and from the dashboard you can drill down to a particular user and view detailed information on their progression.

  • Analytics

    A central dashboard with detailed analytics helps you keep on top of your team to see who’s on track and who’s in need of a little encouragement.

  • Playlists

    Create team playlists with objectives which can be customised to your requirements. Easily track each team member to see who’s on their way towards completion.

  • Data

    Team CPD permits multiple data exports in the form of PDF reports and spreadsheets for further analysis and interrogation.

  • Flexible

    Team CPD can be installed for teams from 10 to 10,000, flexible to your changing needs.

Addressing SM&CR

With compulsory videos specific to the conduct rules and other
supporting regulatory commitments.

Frequently asked questions

  • Who is Team CPD for?

    Team CPD has been designed for managers to monitor their professional teams as they learn - watching videos, recording training, events, etc.

  • Who can view the Team CPD dashboard?

    Team CPD is a secure, password protected platform. At the outset you decide who is able to view the team dashboard and act as administrator.

  • Can we add users?

    Yes, you can invite new users (and remove) at anytime, subject to the number of licenses you have agreed.

  • Can we bulk upload current CPD to Team CPD?

    Yes, we can plan this with you.

  • Can we upload our own company training videos?

    Yes, you have a private channel for your company’s bespoke content, only viewed by your Team CPD users.

  • Can we make certain content compulsory?

    Yes, you can establish compulsory playlists and monitor when your team have completed these tasks.

  • Can I download to interrogate the team performance data?

    Yes, together with all of the dashboard information, your team data can be exported as a CSV file.

Get in touch

If you would like to find out more, have any questions or would like to get started with Team CPD then please get in touch below.